Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Start: Play the commercial 

Introduction: What is this commercial about?
                                The Trojan G Condom
                      How is it special?
                                It provides the audience with a comedic skit, while also highlighting the various benefits of their product
                      Why is it special?
                                The product itself provides ultimate protection and ultimate pleasure, and the commercial highlights this well
Expression: What method is it using to express the idea?
                             Comedy and demonstration 
                             Focuses on the benefits of the product and does not highlight its potential risks
Goal: The commercial is aiming to persuade the average condom consumer to use the trojan G condom 
        Is this going to be effective?
                   Yes. Your average condom user may decide to switch over to the G condom after seeing the various pleasure related advantages it has compared to the current market
                   Competitive: This commercial is not in any way comparing its product to others, it is simply highlighting the benefits it allows.


 Considering this commercial is oriented towards a young adult generation, it will strike a comedic and practical cord to the viewers. 


Recap and summarize the content above to further persuade the audience why this commercial has done a great job at highlighting their message while doing it very slickly 

End in a punny, comedic line to match the tone of my commercial

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